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Stopping Male Hair Loss
Hair loss and male pattern baldness are unfortunately very common parts of aging for many men, but cause a great deal of discomfort and anger in the men that are suffering from the loss of their hair. For many men, their thick full hair is a symbol of their youth and virility, and losing that hair means losing their sense of self. Fortunately, there are treatment options to stop the onset of male pattern baldness, and reverse hair loss after it has already began.
The best way to stop hair loss is to avoid it in the first place. For some men, this requires no action on their part. Certain genetic traits passed down to male family members may provide a natural defense against hair loss. Unfortunately, most men have a genetic susceptibility to hair loss, so preventing hair loss requires action. If you have male family members that suffered from premature hair loss, you are more likely to need to take certain steps to avoid hair loss. One of the best courses of action is to begin using a natural hair loss product like Procerin before hair loss becomes a problem. It is much easier to stop, or at least slow down, hair loss before it has progressed too far then it is if you wait too long.
Most of us don't do anything about our hair loss until we start to realize that the hair in our hair brush and sink drain is becoming noticeable on top of our heads as well. Once hair loss has reached a Level IV or above on the Norwood scale, the thinning of the hair has become very visible and is much more difficult to reverse. For men with male pattern baldness that has progressed, Procerin usage can help stop the further loss of hair loss, and provide an optimal environment for the regrowth of lost hair. The further along your hair loss is, the longer it takes to see results from the use of natural hair loss treatment options like Procerin. Once hair follicles have been lost or miniaturized from the effects of DHT, more patience is needed to see regrowth.
To experience the best results, Procerin should be used continuously for three months or more. Men who stop taking Procerin after short periods of time typically see some level of hair loss return, although typically at a much slower rate than previously. Continued usage of the Procerin system provides the best defense against further thinning hair and the recurrence of follicle loss.