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Hair Loss Product: Shampoo
Hair loss products are aimed at preventing and reversing the main causes of hair loss, predominantly in men. Because hair loss is far more common in men than in women, most products are aimed at the specific causes of male pattern baldness and thinning hair, which have very different underlying causes than female hair loss. The main cause of male hair loss is the chemical DHT, a harmful by-product the attack of an enzyme called 5AR on the male hormone testosterone. By stopping the 5AR reaction that produces the DHT molecules that attack male hair follicles, you can finally stop the trend of hair loss.
The most effective hair loss products target not only DHT itself (after it is already present in the scalp) but also these underlying chemical reactions that create DHT in the first place. While shampoos can be useful in washing away the DHT from the scalp's surface and have no side effects, they have little effect on preventing the creation of DHT within the body when used alone. To stop DHT from forming in the first place, a hair loss product must stop the chemical transformation before it occurs.
While there have been two prescription medications that have been shown to prevent the formation of DHT in the human body, they come with a host of side effects, many of them sexual in nature. These chemicals affect testosterone itself, not just the dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by-product that attacks hair follicles. For that reason, it is often preferable to use natural alternatives to combat hair loss that don't have the whole host of side effects commonly experienced when taking prescription hair loss products. This is why the Procerin system is one of the top products for men; its 2-part topical foam and capsules use natural botanical ingredients to first fight the production of DHT, without having a negative effect on testosterone itself, and the Procerin shampoo fights DHT molecules that have already attached to the hair follicle roots and works to wash it away. The result is a proven combination that prevents the risks of harsh chemicals or dangerous drugs.
No other product can match Procerin's guaranteed blend of proprietary natural hair loss fighting ingredients. The earlier you start to do something to reverse your hair loss the better. Time lost is hair lost. If you are looking for a safer, natural product to fight the effects of male pattern baldness and thinning hair, you owe it to yourself to try the Procerin system risk-free; you'll be glad you did!