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For men looking for a permanent solution to their thinning hair or male pattern baldness, the news isn't good. Despite having indentified the chief cause of male hair loss (DHT), science still isn't much closer to a true cure. Until a solution to hair loss is found, most men will continue to use the treatment options available that help control their hair loss and slow it down, but have not yet prevented hair loss completely.
It is well known by researchers that male hair loss is closely related to genetics. Men with male family members who suffered from premature hair loss are much more susceptible to early thinning hair themselves. The scientific name for male pattern baldness, androgenetic alopecia, reflects this connection of our own genetics playing a large role in hair loss. While a genetic predisposition to hair loss can't be eliminated, even men with a long family history of hair loss have options to reduce and reverse their own thinning hair before it is too late. Just as a person with a family tendency towards obesity can still be fit, a man with androgenetic alopecia can still do something about hair loss.
Natural solutions to male hair loss have become popular since dihydrotestosterone's role in male hair loss was discovered. Many men have higher levels of DHT in their scalp due to genetics, and is the constant attack of DHT on vulnerable hair follicles that causes their hair to fall out. To slow the rate of hair loss, you have to stop the chemical process that creates DHT in the first place. This is where natural solutions like Procerin are helpful.
Procerin capsules contain powerful herbal DHT blockers that help prevent the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. By itself, the male hormone testosterone has no effect on hair loss; it is only after it turns to DHT that it becomes a threat to your hair. Procerin XT foam also helps to reverse DHT production, and also attaches to the same receptor areas of hair follicles that DHT targets. Much like a key in a lock, these tiny receptors in the hair follicles can be "blocked" so that DHT molecules cannot attach later and kill the hair follicle. Less DHT and less open receptors for it to attach to means less hair loss! Once the effects of DHT are solved, then the body's own regrowth process has a chance to work, and mild hair loss can be reversed. In addition to the two-step Procerin combo solution, Procerin shampoo can aid in washing away any excess DHT that still remains. The result is less hair loss, and more healthy hair growth.